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If I had a magic wish

时间:2025-03-23 07:26:32
If I had a magic wish[本文共44字]

honorable judges, ladIes and gentlemen,

the faIrytale of aladdIn has always been my chIldhood favorIte. I was mesmerIzed by how aladdIn used hIs three magIc wIshes. as a small gIrl, I dreamed of havIng the magIc wIshes to go wherever I wanted to go and see whatever I wanted to see. as you can probably guess, I haven't found my genIe In the lamp yet, however, I have found somethIng just as excItIng and It has made marvelous changes In not only my lIfe, but the lIves of all human-beIngs. It Is called technology.

I stIll remember how my father told me about hIs chIldhood back In those days when chIna was not as open and developed as It Is now. chIldren would run for kIlometers to school, make toys wIth wood by themselves, and the bIggest dream of a chIld was holdIng two jars of sugar, one whIte, the other brown In each arm and havI(来源说明好范 文网:www.)ng the choIce of eatIng whIchever he wanted. just look at what we have now. magnIfIcent technologIcal advancement has opened up a whole new world to us.

however, just as our lIves become more convenIent, problems arIse from thIs new lIfe style. we seem to be caged In the modern technology; we are thInkIng alIke as a result of usIng the same search engIne, we are gettIng lazy as most of our work can be done by machInes, and we are alIenatIng people around us for we are more comfortable talkIng on phones and typIng In front of a computer.

If I was gIven the chance to make my magIc wIshes now, I would wIsh we could go back In tIme and lIve for three days wIthout advanced technology. I wonder what we would do In those three days. here Is what I ImagIne:

on the fIrst day, people would be feelIng so uncomfortable wIth the new sItuatIon that they would probably be confused and just not know what to do. the world would be In a mess for the whole day.

on the second day, as lIfe goes on, people would have to fInd alternatIve ways to deal wIth theIr daIly rItuals: students would have to go to lIbrarIes for InformatIon they wanted Instead of searchIng on google; boys would have to express theIr affectIon to gIrls In person Instead of sendIng an annoyIng txt message; and the young people of today would have the chance to experIence the chIldhood of theIr parents. on thIs partIcular day, we could recover all we had lost In the modern world.

then comes the thIrd day. after the prevIous two days, we would gradually come to realIze that we should have paId more attentIon to our studIes and work as we actually have so much creatIvIty and potentIal wIthIn ourselves. we would also realIze that we should have spent more tIme wIth a frIend, a parent or a chIld as we do love them, but we don't really understand them due to the lack of personal communIcatIon. we shouldn't have been so dependent on modern technology as It wasn't Invented to confIne us, but to InspIre us. thIs last day would be spent In sparks of new Ideas and sweet moments wIth our loved ones.

maybe some would argue that It Is just my ImagInatIon, and that magIc would never work In our world. true, but magIc can always work In our hearts, helpIng us understand that we, Instead of the machIne, are the masters of the world. the key Is to treasure our human InItIatIve and connectIons, to see the world wIth our own eyes, explore the unknown wIth our mInds and treat others wIth our hearts. just lIke aladdIn dIdn't choose to use magIc to gaIn a happy lIfe, we can make our choIce, too. and when we do, we wIll lIve, as In the faIry tales, happIly ever after. thank you.

第二篇:If I have a chance to make a magIc wIsh

If I have a chance to make a magIc wIsh

datIng back to my chIldhood, I always made dreams whIch I could be a swIch who owned magIc power . If so,I could do whatever I wanted .at that tIme ,I wIshed I could gaIn a beautIful babI toy whIch I had apprecIated for a long tIme, or be an elegant lady who had valueless joulwey and tremerous weath.

sInce I have grown up, I have been under the ImpressIon that even If I have a chance to make a magIc wIsh, It should be fundermentally based on the realIty. as you kown, a large amount of people suffer from dIfferent kInds of dIsasters and dIlemmas around the world now,such as the vIctIms of 2014 fInancIal crIsIs,refugees In lIbya protest,people In japanese earthquake In 2014and so on.If I have a chance to make a magIc wIsh,I wIsh that some dIrect or IndrIect measures would be made to address quandry.for the sake of puttIng an end to humans’dIsasters ,I wIll call on people to aggregate to fIght agInst hardshIps,aand make full use of collectIsm to pulIcIze people’s unIlateralIsm, thus comIng down to a harmonIous and orderly socIety. what’s more ,my magIc wIsh Is orgInally based on my profound thoughts at the bottom of my heart..I wIsh that an all-round promotIon could be adopted to raIse the rate of happIness of people ,therefore,better brIgher future.

第三篇:If I have a chance to make a magIc wIsh

If I have a chance to make a magIc wIsh hello, ladIes and gentle men,

It Is may 12th today .and what does It remInd you of ?doutlessly , the date Is a symbol of tragedy. It means grIef and sorrow . It Is deeply rooted In every chInese people’s heart as a natIonal calamIty .

how could we forget about that day? at 2:00 pm of may 12 , 2014, there was a devastatIng earthquake hIttIng the peaceful county, wenchuan. just In a moment, the whole county was In ruIns. thousands of people were burIed In It. and for a second, the whole world sank Into sIlence, then you started to hear sobbIng, weepIng, cryIng and howlIng. thousands of people mIssed, got Injured and even dIed In that Instant. how cruel the dIsaster was? It played Its evIl to the utmost.

from wenchuan earthquake to IndonesIa tsunamI , we saw so many Innocent lIves kIlled In the natural dIsasters. I can’t help askIng , what can we do to prevent It? nothIng! nothIngunless people can know the natural dIsasters In advance . therefore, If I have a chance to make a magIc wIsh, I wIsh I can have the power to forecast the natural dIsasters. If I have that power, the earthquakes, hurrIcanes and even tsunamIs wIll not be so heart-broken. If I have that power, I can know the exact tIme and places of dIsasters ,then I wIll get the message around to those who are threatened and enable them to take actIons In tIme. If I have that power, I can let people stay away from the danger and go on wIth theIr

former lIves. If I have that power , I can protect people from beIng burIed , from beIng drowned. If I have that power , I can protect people from beIng apart wIth theIr famIlIes.If I have that power , I can stop the whole world from cryIng for the natural dIsasters! and our lIfe wIll be happIer and nIcer. that Is all I want, a world wIthout the threat of natural dIsasters. thank you !

第四篇:If I had a tIme machIne

If I had a tIme machIne

do you lIke doraemon and do you want to have a tIme machIne? In fact, I’ve always been earnIng for such a mIraculous object called tIme machIne whIch enables me to be a tIme traveler In a mIraculous way.

If I had a tIme machIne, I would defInItely go back to the past, countIng every pIece of hIstory that showed the endless

evolutIons of our great specIe. I would go back to the past to vIsIt some famous people such as dr. martIn luther kIng who was one of the pIvotal leaders of the amerIcan cIvIl rIghts movement durIng hIs lIfe. curIous about our orIgIn, I would vIsIt our fIrst ancestors and tell them about the fantastIc progress that theIr IntellIgent descendants have made. followIng the footprInts of the alternatIng dynastIes, weal and woe would be stated as well as the rIse and declIne of the countrIes. lookIng up to the art of beauty and soul, I would seek for those great masters and wItness the outburst of theIr evergreen InspIratIons . as long as I had a tIme machIne.

If I had a tIme machIne, I would defInItely call on the future, lookIng ahead to every sIngle accomplIshment due to the

development of the socIety. I probably would dIscover a great

many technologIes and the Improvement of the scIence. however, I belIeve that we should hardly be oblIvIous about the negatIve sIde. potentIal threats have always exerted an Influence on future, such as the worsenIng envIronment. I wIsh I would see a brIght future wIth envIronment problems solved and human socIety gettIng harmonIous. as long as we start to change from now.

all In all, there are stIll many thIngs I Intend to do wIth a tIme machIne.but unfortunately, we are not as lucky as

daxIong(大雄) who has a doraemon ownIng a large number of magIc creatIve thIngs, such as the splendId drawer-tIme machIne. so we can only lIve but one day at a tIme.

If I had a tIme machIne, I would show you a wonderful past and a brIght future. however, the most Important one Is neIther but today. for yesterday Is a hIstory, tomorrow Is a mystery, but today Is a gIft. that Is why It Is called the present!

第五篇:If I have a magIc pen

If I have a magIc pen , I wIll draw a new worldgood mornIng , teachers !

I’m glad to make a speech here , today my topIc Is “ If I have a magIc pen , I wIlldraw a new world ” .

I lIke readIng a story called ma lIang and hIs magIc pen. so I want to have a magIc pen lIke thIs .

If I have a magIc pen , I wIll draw many trees for the world , the earth wIll be green agaIn , and the anImals wIll have warm homes .

If I have a magIc pen , I wIll draw an angle to stop the war. the world wIll be peaceful .

If I have a magIc pen , I wIll draw an angle to help poor people . then the world wIll be full of love .

If I have a magIc pen , I wIll have many thIngs to do .

we only have one world , we should love It. the magIc pen Is my dream , but I thInk It wIll come true one day , let’s make It together !that Is all , thank you !


If I had a tIme machIne如果我有一个时光机

4.2 英语故事If I have a magIc pen 2

If I had two months to lIve

the graduatIon advIce I never got but wIsh I had

I had a weIrd dream

《If I had a magic wish[本文共44字].doc》
